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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

In Defense of digg's Undeserved Reputation of Being Left Leaning & Biased

Ever since Senator Obama entered the race for the nomination of his party on Saturday, February 10, 2007, Senator Obama has been a newsworthy personality of cult-like proportions. The stories about his candidacy have been exploding all over digg since that day. It has been seventeen months since Senator Obama’s announcement for a run for the democrat party's nomination, and digg has still not added Obama’s name to the list of correct words within the spell check utility. Every time someone posting on digg runs the spell check utility, the spell check utility prompts the user to correct a typo. McCain’s name doesn’t cause the spell check utility to prompt the user for a misspelling. Obama’s name does. This is proof that digg is not left leaning and biased as digg's critics have been charging. Digg favors McCain while Obama is dissed. Now, a simple request; -Will the staff at digg please step away from the Starbucks Lattes and put away the bongs long enough to fix this? It’s been seventeen months already, and this issue (the biggest in Obama's campaign as far as I can tell) is driving many of us NUTS!


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