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Sunday, June 06, 2010

2010 Ghoul Pool Pick: Joran Van Der Sloot

Joran Van Der Sloot, faces an "extremely rude awakening"; in Peru, where he has just been jailed as a suspect in the murder of a young Peruvian woman, a top international lawyer said today. "The conditions of incarceration at best will be overcrowded and uncomfortable, and more likely can be described as deplorable and intolerable," said Philadelphia-based defense attorney Theodore Simon. "The most basic requirements will be in question -- and the basic services," he said. "So I think it's going to be an incredible shock to his system, the circumstances of his incarceration." Simon said Van Der Sloot will find the criminal justice system much harsher and far slower in Peru than in Aruba, adding that it's unlikely the Dutch national will be released any time soon.

"He's going to confront something quite different," Simon said.

In addition, the murder victim's status as the daughter of a former Peruvian presidential candidate will place Van Der Soot "at a marked disadvantage,"

It is my opinion that it is quite apparent that the poor little globe trotting rich boy is a narcissistic psychopath. This will not allow Joran to mix well in a third-world, Peruvian jail. There's no protective custody in Peruvian jail. Little Joran isn't in Aruba anymore. Joran's late father, Paulus Van Der Sloot, was a lawyer training to be a judge in Aruba. Now, daddy isn't around to pull the strings to protect and cover-up for his son. I doubt that Van Der Sloot will survive out the year. This makes Joran Van Der Sloot my odds-on favorite Ghoul Pool pick for 2010!

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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