My Grandfather Was A Democrat
My Grandfather was a Democrat in the Arizona state legislature in the mid 20th century. He was a sharp lawyer and had a lot of respect from his colleagues from both sides of the isle in his day. Had he lived today, he most likely would have bolted the Democrat party and would have become a Republican. That’s what Dad has told me. His name was Sam Head. Sam was a family man and I have some fond memories of him from when I was a toddler. Sam died in 1968 when I was just five years old.
I only know Sam from what my Dad has told me and through the few items I have read in press clippings, and from the distant and foggy memories I have of him from long ago. Looking back at Sam and comparing his morality and principles to today’s Liberal Democrats, I often wonder where today’s Democrats have gone wrong. Sam cared about the little fella. Coming from the depression era, and having left the Oklahoma Dust Bowl to go west to find a better life, Sam settled in Arizona. He knew through personal experience and perseverance that hard work could make a man successful, such a novel idea from a Democrat. But then again, Sam was not one of today’s Democrats.
Today’s Democrats do not appear to subscribe to the same kind of morals and principles that Sam lived by. Today’s Democrats seem to think that hard work and perseverance by anyone that would earn them an edge in today’s world would give that hard working person an unfair advantage over someone who just aspires to make his own way through life just being mediocre -someone who aspires to “Just Get By.”
Back when Sam died, America was determined to be the best. We were poised to land a man on the moon as envisioned by another Democrat who had a great vision almost a decade earlier when he gave an historical and memorable speech. "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth." — Pres. Kennedy, May 25, 1961.
President Kennedy gave that speech not to appease the Soviet Union in the cold war as did some of his successors through their actions of appeasement to other enemies of this country, but to signal America’s willingness to not only keep up with the Soviets but to beat the Soviets at would become our game.
Kennedy was one of those old time Democrats who had conviction and principles. He believed in America first. He believed in American ingenuity and he believed in competition. He believed in the greatness of the American spirit and of its people. Such a far cry from what Democrats believe today. My Granddad also probably believed in these things.
Today, the word “Democrat”, is a word that is indistinguishable from a handful of other terms that can be freely substituted in place of the word Democrat. Terms such as Liberal, Socialist, and Communist. Democrats are collectivists and are the champions of the immoral, the perverse and of those who while they call themselves progressives, we can just as easily label them with terms such as deviants, malcontents and outcasts. In being collectivists the Democrats have excelled at the game of divisiveness in order to promote its own agenda. Democrats have managed to take all of the different sub groups of illicit humanity and have managed to convince all these different groups that Democrats are their voice and their protectors in Washington. The Democrats have formed a collective of many different groups of outcasts that Democrats have divided from mainstream society and those who the Democrats have brainwashed into believing that they are disenfranchised into what now makes up the Democrat support base. The democrat voter rolls are rife with those who believe that the Democrats are the voice of all of them.
The problem is that the Democrat party no longer represents the underdog. The Democrats represent the moral decay of America. The Democrats will do any and all things that they can to gain a larger voter base in an effort to hold onto the reins of power. They do this by attacking the very same virtues that offer cohesiveness and stability to society, which is the very foundation to productiveness and success in a society. The Democrats support freedom of choice. But, only when that choice advances the cause of their agenda. The Democrats support the destruction of the family by homogenizing the true family in with the alternative family which the Democrats define as being a normal family but in reality just creates a kind of abnormal, hybrid pseudo-family. The Democrats champion mediocrity in their attempts to level the playing field for all, so that the mentally retarded can have a chance at being a valedictorian at their public high school commencement address. Never mind the student who excels because of hard work and brilliance, it’s the slow and truant students who are now beginning to define what the best of the best is in a graduating class. Democrats demand this so that the self esteem of the lowest denominator of a student is boosted, while the future and self esteem of a truly brilliant mind in the same class is wasted and compromised to avoid competition. Competition, according to Democrats, destroys self esteem. Doesn’t lack of competition destroy a nation’s greatness and its ability to compete against the world altering a nation’s destiny?
Democrats also strip the gears within the engine of our economy, the small business through heavy red tape, high taxation and regulation and through silly little laws and legislation designed to transform the workplace into a social utopia for the enjoyment of the worker, rather than the democrats nudging the workplace into being a productive place of business as intended. This at the expense of those who have risked their capital to do what capital was intended for in the first place, to make money
The list goes on and on. My Granddad Sam would be flabbergasted at what his party has become. A party of nosey bureaucrats and politicians more concerned about the people failing and being trapped within the system of handouts and government assistance with the goal of keeping those people there in order to create votes to retain power.
The Democrats do everything they can to keep power, and little to advance this country with the vision that John Kennedy had in 1961. While Kennedy was the last Democrat of any greatness to come along, all of his successors have aspired to be mediocre at best while dong all they can to boost the voter rolls of the Democrat party at the expense of this country’s greatness.
If we go back and look at history from the end of Kennedy’s term, through the terms of Johnson, Carter, and Clinton this country has moved far away from its former greatness. My Granddad would be disgusted at what the Democrats have done to this country.
I believe that my Granddad Sam would have bolted the Democrat party had he been alive today. But then again, so would have anyone with any common sense or with any sense of decency. The Democrat party is not what it used to be, and never will be again as long as it embraces the mediocre in society who make up the Democrat party rolls today. And all those mediocre people the Democrat party embraces today will become the Democrat party of tomorrow, which in my opinion dooms the entire party to irrelevancy altogether.
Copyright 05/18/2003 by Randy Williams
Use granted to all who identify author
I only know Sam from what my Dad has told me and through the few items I have read in press clippings, and from the distant and foggy memories I have of him from long ago. Looking back at Sam and comparing his morality and principles to today’s Liberal Democrats, I often wonder where today’s Democrats have gone wrong. Sam cared about the little fella. Coming from the depression era, and having left the Oklahoma Dust Bowl to go west to find a better life, Sam settled in Arizona. He knew through personal experience and perseverance that hard work could make a man successful, such a novel idea from a Democrat. But then again, Sam was not one of today’s Democrats.
Today’s Democrats do not appear to subscribe to the same kind of morals and principles that Sam lived by. Today’s Democrats seem to think that hard work and perseverance by anyone that would earn them an edge in today’s world would give that hard working person an unfair advantage over someone who just aspires to make his own way through life just being mediocre -someone who aspires to “Just Get By.”
Back when Sam died, America was determined to be the best. We were poised to land a man on the moon as envisioned by another Democrat who had a great vision almost a decade earlier when he gave an historical and memorable speech. "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth." — Pres. Kennedy, May 25, 1961.
President Kennedy gave that speech not to appease the Soviet Union in the cold war as did some of his successors through their actions of appeasement to other enemies of this country, but to signal America’s willingness to not only keep up with the Soviets but to beat the Soviets at would become our game.
Kennedy was one of those old time Democrats who had conviction and principles. He believed in America first. He believed in American ingenuity and he believed in competition. He believed in the greatness of the American spirit and of its people. Such a far cry from what Democrats believe today. My Granddad also probably believed in these things.
Today, the word “Democrat”, is a word that is indistinguishable from a handful of other terms that can be freely substituted in place of the word Democrat. Terms such as Liberal, Socialist, and Communist. Democrats are collectivists and are the champions of the immoral, the perverse and of those who while they call themselves progressives, we can just as easily label them with terms such as deviants, malcontents and outcasts. In being collectivists the Democrats have excelled at the game of divisiveness in order to promote its own agenda. Democrats have managed to take all of the different sub groups of illicit humanity and have managed to convince all these different groups that Democrats are their voice and their protectors in Washington. The Democrats have formed a collective of many different groups of outcasts that Democrats have divided from mainstream society and those who the Democrats have brainwashed into believing that they are disenfranchised into what now makes up the Democrat support base. The democrat voter rolls are rife with those who believe that the Democrats are the voice of all of them.
The problem is that the Democrat party no longer represents the underdog. The Democrats represent the moral decay of America. The Democrats will do any and all things that they can to gain a larger voter base in an effort to hold onto the reins of power. They do this by attacking the very same virtues that offer cohesiveness and stability to society, which is the very foundation to productiveness and success in a society. The Democrats support freedom of choice. But, only when that choice advances the cause of their agenda. The Democrats support the destruction of the family by homogenizing the true family in with the alternative family which the Democrats define as being a normal family but in reality just creates a kind of abnormal, hybrid pseudo-family. The Democrats champion mediocrity in their attempts to level the playing field for all, so that the mentally retarded can have a chance at being a valedictorian at their public high school commencement address. Never mind the student who excels because of hard work and brilliance, it’s the slow and truant students who are now beginning to define what the best of the best is in a graduating class. Democrats demand this so that the self esteem of the lowest denominator of a student is boosted, while the future and self esteem of a truly brilliant mind in the same class is wasted and compromised to avoid competition. Competition, according to Democrats, destroys self esteem. Doesn’t lack of competition destroy a nation’s greatness and its ability to compete against the world altering a nation’s destiny?
Democrats also strip the gears within the engine of our economy, the small business through heavy red tape, high taxation and regulation and through silly little laws and legislation designed to transform the workplace into a social utopia for the enjoyment of the worker, rather than the democrats nudging the workplace into being a productive place of business as intended. This at the expense of those who have risked their capital to do what capital was intended for in the first place, to make money
The list goes on and on. My Granddad Sam would be flabbergasted at what his party has become. A party of nosey bureaucrats and politicians more concerned about the people failing and being trapped within the system of handouts and government assistance with the goal of keeping those people there in order to create votes to retain power.
The Democrats do everything they can to keep power, and little to advance this country with the vision that John Kennedy had in 1961. While Kennedy was the last Democrat of any greatness to come along, all of his successors have aspired to be mediocre at best while dong all they can to boost the voter rolls of the Democrat party at the expense of this country’s greatness.
If we go back and look at history from the end of Kennedy’s term, through the terms of Johnson, Carter, and Clinton this country has moved far away from its former greatness. My Granddad would be disgusted at what the Democrats have done to this country.
I believe that my Granddad Sam would have bolted the Democrat party had he been alive today. But then again, so would have anyone with any common sense or with any sense of decency. The Democrat party is not what it used to be, and never will be again as long as it embraces the mediocre in society who make up the Democrat party rolls today. And all those mediocre people the Democrat party embraces today will become the Democrat party of tomorrow, which in my opinion dooms the entire party to irrelevancy altogether.
Copyright 05/18/2003 by Randy Williams
Use granted to all who identify author