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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Fred Thompson's globalist pedigree & other faults.

On Sunday, March 11th, I posted an article by WND writer Joe Kovacs who speculated a possible run for the presidency by Fred Thompson. If hindsight is 20/20, then I think that I jumped the gun in getting excited about a run for president by Senator Thompson. It has become clear that he is just another dyed-in -the-wool neo-con, globalist. Perhaps Fred Thompson is not the new torch bearer who'd carry on the Reagan Revolution that I had thought Fred Thompson may be.

More information is coming to light that exposes Fred Thompson as another self serving elitist.

A possible run by Fred Thompson no longer excites me and is beginning to concern me that he may fool many people into supporting him as being Reaganesque.

Below is new information on Fred Thompson.

Jihad Spence: Fred Thompson's Pan Islamist Campaign Manager

By Debbie Schlussel
He hasn't entered the Presidential race yet, but Fred Thompson, yesterday, showed us why he's the scariest Republican Presidential candidate. And maybe the scariest of both parties.
Don't believe Thompson's claim that he understands the Islamist jihadist threat to America. His announcement, yesterday, of his choice of Spencer Abraham as campaign manager, told us everything we need to know. Although Abraham, of Lebanese descent, is a Christian, he is a career water carrier for Islamists of the most extremist stripe and made that the cornerstone of his failed, one-term Senate career and equally lousy tenure as Energy Secretary.
Click the above link to continue the story.

Below, Tom Kovach writes in World Net Daily about Thompson's globalist pedigree.
Voters and pundits alike are claiming that a potential Fred Thompson run for the White House could "save" the conservative movement that has been betrayed by President George W. Bush. Such a claim defies the facts, because Thompson's political pedigree includes Bush-like globalist credentials.
This column was prompted by near-record e-mail responses, the vast majority of which asserted that a previous WND column on this topic did not go far enough. Some of the material supporting this follow-up was provided by those WND readers, some of whom claimed to write from Lawrenceburg, Tenn. (Thompson's hometown).
Click on the link below to continue the story.
While Thompson may possibly join the race as an 'alternative' to the current bunch of Republican presidential hopefuls, he is beginning to appear to be no better than the rest.
Don't give up hope though. Below are a couple of presidential candidates who are worth a look.

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