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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Personal Note

It's been well over nine months since I last posted on my blog. The reason for my absence is that I simply grew disgusted and disappointed in our elected officials and especially in our president for his failure to seal our southern border among other things.

I feel that participating in the political process doesn't matter anymore. That our elected officials are only in the game for their own private gain at the expense of the American people. It seems that our officials seek only to please special interests in order to line their own pockets with wealth while standing on the backs of the American people.

Let's face it. Why would multi-millionaires like Ted Kennedy, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer or Nancy Pelosi spend millions of dollars to win elected office so that they can serve in a position that pays a low six figures with perks? The obvious answer is that there must be financial incentives that are offered through the back door of their offices out of sight of the American people. It's about elitism and power for self-enrichment. I'm not only pointing fingers at the leftist liberals. Much of the blame for their failure to represent the American people can be placed squarely on the shoulders of this nation's RINOs.

Personally, I am disappointed in the whole corrupt two-party political system in America. As a registered Republican, I can assure you that many of my guys in office smell no better then the Democrats. They all stink.

As we stand before another election cycle, the Democrats are attempting to take back some key seats on Capitol Hill. Frankly, I don't know what is worse. A Republican majority that wastes the opportunity to get things done, or the specter of the Democrats regaining a majority once again. Both scenarios seem bleak and without promise.

I guess I hang around and continue to support our lackluster and mediocre Republican party for fear that if I don't, The white trash Clintons may once again attain the White House. The thought of that happening causes me to want run out to ask my doctor for a prescription of Prozac to calm my nerves and to ask my doctor for a bottle of Maalox to put out the heart burn.


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