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Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
An Open Letter To The People of the Great State of Arizona
Dear Arizona,
By now, there is considerable fallout from Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s signing of your state’s tough (but needed) new immigration law, which allows police officers in your great state to determine if people are in the United States illegally.
Although I was born in Phoenix, I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. On Monday, San Francisco city officials called for a boycott of Arizona and businesses based there to protest Arizona’s strict new immigration law. As a resident living in a suburb of San Francisco, I cannot tell you how embarrassed I am for a scenically beautiful city like San Francisco.
San Francisco is run by misguided people. The city suffers from a cultural blight of it’s own. San Francisco is a city that prides itself as a sanctuary city that shelters thousands of illegal immigrants within its city limits. San Francisco also refuses to seek the death penalty for cop killers and is a haven for the homeless who use the city’s doorways as urinals. There is also a moral decay that infects San Francisco. But, this letter is to the people of Arizona, and is not intended to showcase the shortcomings of San Francisco. The nation is well aware of those shortcomings.
This letter is intended to let the people of Arizona know that we the people who supported, and who voted to pass Proposition 187 with 58.93% of the vote in 1994, are behind you. Proposition 187 was a measure that would have mandated that illegal aliens become ineligible for public services. Additionally the proposal would have made the verification and reporting of one’s immigration status a sate law. Unfortunately, the courts overruled the will of the people of California, and struck down the new law.
It is my desire to tell Arizonans that not only me, but many of my fellow citizens of the great state of California disagree with the movements and protests against your great state, and your state's attempt to effectively deal with a problem that the federal government has so dismally failed in dealing with; the problem of illegal immigration.
Take heart Arizona, regardless of what the misguided progressives of California would have you believe, the eyes of America loving Californians are upon you! The eyes of those of this nation, who love this country, and who are in solidarity with you, are on you too!
Thank you, Arizona, for your bravery! Thank you for your courage! The message that you are sending to the rest of this nation and the lawbreakers who are here illegally is being heard loud and clear!
God Bless Arizona!
God Bless The United States of America!
Monday, April 05, 2010
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Happy Easter/Resurrection Sunday
Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation:
'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God!'
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God!'