Why Al Qaeda Hasn't Attacked D.C.
God forbid that we ever suffer another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Perhaps such an attack is in progress and underway. Yet, many fail to recognize the current attack. This attack is bloodless and lacks the telltale explosions, smoke and body count. Still, the question is, why hasn't Al Qaeda hit Washington D.C.?
The answer can be very simple. Why would Al Qaeda want to thwart the destruction of the United States from those bent on doing so from within? Why would Al Qaeda prevent our own homegrown terrorists from executing their agenda against the people of the United States and the U.S. Constitution? Obviously, Al Qaeda knows that through patience and over time their goal of the destruction of the United States will be accomplished by elements inside the current administration and from the majority that has control of Congress. Al Qaeda's task of bringing the United States to her knees and our ultimate destruction is being done in a rapid fashion and most efficiently without Al Qaeda having to lift a finger. Al Qaeda will simply sit this one out and let our own homegrown terrorists do the job for them.