Mr. Obama Attends Democratic Fundraiser On The Taxpayer's Dime
Mr. Obama was in San Francisco Thursday for a Democratic National Committee fundraiser. Mr. Obama arrived at San Francisco International Airport on Air Force One . He will depart Friday morning, according to the White House.
The fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee and Organizing for America took place at the Westin St. Francis. The fundraiser was expected to raise more than $2 million. Tickets to the event ranged from $500 to $1,000.
Americans are pretty tolerant of expenditures by any President to travel like a world leader — but why is there such little talk about Mr. Obama attending fundraisers for the DNC, and who is paying for this trip?
After being critical of CEO’s for their private jets, their taxpayer paid perks and the posh business conventions, and then saying "the party is over" — Mr. Obama flew to San Francisco to raise money for his political party. Who's paying for the trip?
Air Force One costs the taxpayer $60.000 per hour to operate. Additionally, Mr. Obama's domestic travel also involves the use of an accompanying cargo plane to carry his motorcade. Then, there's the Secret Service protection, local police protection, and the inconvenience caused to the people of San Francisco as the commute hour traffic was tied up when Mr. Obama made his way from the San Francisco International Airport to the St. Fancis Hotel.
I'd like to note that I don't care if it is an RNC, or DNC fundraiser. G.W. Bush had his critics when he attended fundraisers on the taxpayer's dime. I don't care if it is a Republican or Democrat president. Mr. Obama's participation in Thursday's political fundraiser to benefit the DNC political machine cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of dollars. The taxpayer should not be paying to benefit either political party to raise funds. Furthermore, the DNC should be required to pay for expenses incurred by the President for partisan political events. Any president.
It is wrong to use any taxpayer funds to advance the cause of either political party and the taxpaying public should not put up with it. It's time that this kind of partisan political fundraising be stopped when the taxpayer must foot the bill. The DNC should be required to reimburse the taxpayer. Congress must pass legislation outlawing this kind of activity and the President needs to sign such a bill.
Clarification: Craig Deboer this morning on KTVU 2 News reported that Mr. Obama's staff was in the process of looking for a venue for Mr. Obama to speak befor departing San Francisco in order to justify the expense of flying Mr. Obama to the DNC fundraiser. Apparently Mr. Obama or any president can attend another political function that is not a fundraiser, providing it is for the business of the people. Then, the trip can be paid by the taxpayer. Otherwise the DNC would be required to pay for Mr. Obama's trip to San Francisco. So, any president, Republican or Democrat, can attend a partisan political fundraiser, then when departing make a statement on the way to the airport, and that would be considered the business of the people and the trip will then be paid for by the taxpayer. This is wrong on so many levels.