As I have made the rounds of internet news sites to monitor political events, I have found that political pundits from both sides of the aisle are referring to themselves as patriots. More and more frequently each side accuses the other side of not being patriotic. Yet, it is appearing more as if the accusations from the left are made to mask their true agenda and lack of patriotism when they try shout down and marginalize the grassroots opposition to the agenda that is pushed by Mr. Obama and other misguided progressives.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi questions the opposition’s patriotism and is on record of labeling the "Tea Party" protesters as Nazis. This appears to be calculated to infer that of millions of hard working Americans are not patriots at all, but hateful bigots and thugs who are being selfish for their insistence in not wanting to pay their ‘fair share’ via increased taxes to pay for increased, big nanny, governmental control over yet more of their lives. The Axis of Extremists believe it is their 'patriotic' duty to finance their agenda by sucking more off the fruits of the working American's labor, so that the have-nots (lazy, entitlement addicted, malcontents) can live comfortably sucking off the government teet with little, or no effort on their part. This is patriotism as our Democratic leadership defines patriotism.
It has become voguish for the left to accuse the opposition of not being patriotic for resisting the kind of ‘change’ that Mr. Obama has promised for America. The kind of ’change’ that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the dominating leftists on Capitol Hill are intent on ramming down the throats of Americans who object to the liberal (socialist) agenda.
One has only to read any comment section that may follow many online political commentary, or news article that is critical of what the Capitol Hill Gang and Mr. Obama, all of who I call the ’Axis of Extremists’, are endeavoring to accomplish. We see a push for the socialization of the American economy and way of life at the expense of those who simply want to work, live their lives, and to be left alone by an ever expansive, intrusive and burdensome federal government; the same government that portends to help all the people through their beneficence, paid for on the back of the hard working taxpayer.
When concerned Americans voice opposition to the progressive’s agenda, the overseers of the Axis of Extremists; Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid disparage those hard working Americans who simply want to preserve the greatness of America and the American way of life. The Axis of Extremists and their supporters repeat, ad nauseum that they are doing their patriotic duty for the people, whether or not the people want the change they promote and support. The Axis of Extremists presume that they themselves know better than the American people. Those who question, or protest the Axis of Extremists are seen as agents provocateurs and are labeled as being anything, but patriots.
The Encarta World English Dictionary defines a patriot as a proud supporter or defender of his or her country and its way of life. This simple definition would perfectly describe those who voice opposition to the Axis of Extremists and the agenda to socialize America. So, if one embraces, respects and believes in the preservation of the American way of life, the beliefs that patriot’s all over America cherish and embrace, then is stands to reason that those who want to fundamentally change the way America functions and operates are the farthest thing from being patriots.
If one's goal is to tear down and replace that which our Founding Fathers left us in a constitutional republic by way of our Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution, then one must most sincerely question the patriotism, or lack thereof, from those who feel compelled to redefine this country into something that no longer will resemble that which our Founding Fathers left to us.
The Axis of Extremists have become very skilled over the years at hijacking and redefining words for their own use. When the Axis of Extremists attempt to mask the fetid stench of that which they believe and embrace, ultimately to be foisted upon the working people who are unwilling, the Axis of Extremists will hide behind powerful and flowery sounding rhetoric and terms designed try to make the stench of that which they peddle smell much sweeter. William Shakespeare wrote; A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. William Shakespeare was saying; What matters is what something is, not what it is called. We know that socialism is not patriotism. The Axis of Extremists needs us to believe that socialism renamed patriotism is what we must have for our country. They think it is their 'patriotic' duty to drive this nation quickly down that path.
The Axis of Extremists on Capitol Hill insist that they are the true patriots, when in fact they have nothing in common with patriots. It does not matter what Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their supporters call themselves when they erroneously call themselves patriots. They spin it all into one giant lie. The Axis of Extremists in their deeds and actions while ‘serving’ we the people betray themselves as not being patriots, but as being the antithesis of what a Patriot is; traitors.
A traitor is defined as a person who is disloyal. In the case of Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid along their legions of blind, Kool-Aid drinking supporters, they would destroy this nation and all that it stands for, because their actions and beliefs are traitorous. Other terms that may be used to describe these traitorous malcontents are: Benedict Arnold, Judas, back-stabber, betrayer, conspirator, deceiver, defector, deserter, double-crosser, fink, hypocrite, snitch, and treasonist. I could go on, but space is limited. You get my point.
Next time you hear the Axis of Extremists questioning the patriotism of those who oppose their anti-American agenda, think of what the Axis of Extremists are really trying to do. They are trying to confuse and mislead us by questioning the patriotism of hard working Americans as they attempt to sweeten the smell of their own motives and agenda by hijacking and redefining patriotism to fit themselves and their agenda. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda would be proud that his tactics are so effectively used by the Axis of Extremists. Goebbles believed that if a lie was repeated enough, it would be seen as truth by the people. The Axis of Extremists believes this too. Still, we the real patriots, see right through it all.