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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 21, 2009

Priest in Britain Advances DNC & Socialist Ideology When He Advises Congregation to Shoplift

Fox News Report: A priest in Britain is under fire Monday for advising his congregation to shoplift in tough economic times, the Daily Mail reports.

Father Tim Jones, a 41-year-old clergyman at St. Lawrence Church in York, England, said that shoplifting — rather than prostitution or burglary — is sometimes the best option for poor people struggling to make ends meet, according to the Web site.

"My advice as a Christian priest is to shoplift," Jones reportedly told churchgoers during his Sunday sermon. "I do not offer such advice because I think that stealing is a good thing, or because I think it is harmless, for it is neither."

"I would ask that they do not steal from small family businesses, but from large national businesses — knowing that the costs are ultimately passed on to the rest of us in the form of higher prices," he continued.

"I would ask them not to take any more than they need, for any longer than they need ... My advice does not contradict the Bible's eighth commandment because God's love for the poor and despised outweighs the property rights of the rich."

Jones' sermon, meanwhile, has been blasted by police, the British Retail Consortium and a local MP who all say that shoplifting is a crime regardless of circumstances.
The Eighth Commandment is not a suggestion, it is God COMMANDING that humanity not engage in theft. God's edict to us that we are not to steal is quite clear. His will for us is that we are not to take from others that which does not belong to us. If God thought theft and stealing was not such a big deal, then there would not be an 8th Commandment.
Father Tim Jones' cavalier treatment of the 8th Commandment teaches people that the breaking of a law, when it serves their own self interest, is perfectly acceptable. Father Jones is teaching people that if it is OK to break God's laws and prohibitions, this in turn gives people the belief that if they are free to break God's laws, which then makes it's justifiable to break man's laws.
We are seeing the teaching and advancement of situational ethics from a cleric who claims to be a representative of Christ and the Christian church. He does not teach absolutes or in black and white. He teaches that lines and boundaries can be diluted, bent and changed when it makes achieving ones own agenda convenient. While doing this, Father Jones is also teaching class warfare and collectivist ideologies.
Father Jones is encouraging the breaking of laws which further contribute to the breakdown of society and civilization. He advocates an entitlement mindset where it is OK to 'stick it to the man', instead of encouraging civility, hard work and self reliance, Father Jones teaches that it is OK to hijack the fruits of the labor of someone else.
The good father is teaching his flock what the world's liberals, socialists, progressives and what the American democrat already does in practice; Take from those who work to earn and who have something. Then, redistribute those earnings and properties to those who believe they are entitled to that which they themselves have failed to earn. The good Father is simply applying these principles on a personal level.

10-Year-Old Boy Kidnapped, Obama, Biden, Democrats To Blame

ABC News reports a 10-year-old boy was kidnapped after his father tricked a court into giving him custody. Jean Philippe Lacombe, 41, allegedly fooled a court into helping him get custody of his son by presenting documents in Spanish that he said gave him legal custody of his son Jean Paul. The document was actually a warrant from Mexico for his arrest, but the court couldn't read it and believed Lacombe.
According to the mother's lawyer Miquel Ortiz, Lacombe kidnapped his son once before in 2005, fleeing from Mexico to France with the boy before the mother, Bernice Diaz regained custody. "The child is on daily medication for emotional problems stemming from the first kidnapping and now he's not taking it. That's our main concern," Ortiz said. "He has also made claims that his father physically abuses him."

Of course, this would not have been an issue had the democrats over the years, including Barack Obama and Joe Biden, not opposed legislation that would have made English the national language.

The movement to make English the national language began gathering steam during the 104th Congress while Bill Clinton was in office. Several pieces of legislation were introduced in that era, then and again over the years. The democrats have successfully opposed all attempts to make English the national language. Had we as a nation made English the national language the federal and state governments would be required to conduct all business in English. Had this been the case, the court in Texas' Bexer County would have not allowed the boy to be kidnapped by his father.

I place blame on the democrat's fear of angering a potential voting block of millions of American Hispanics and the possible future new citizens of this country of amnesty granted illegal aliens at the expense of justice. The democrats want those Hispanic votes, and if the democrats keep it their way, those votes may number into the millions. God forbid the democrats do what's best for the country to risk the alienation of the millions of votes that could come from the current and future Hispanic support base of the DNC political machine.

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fire Dingy Harry Reid

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Sunday, December 13, 2009


Prince William presents his reinterpretation of the Queen classic, 'One Vision', that calls on all world elitists to promote and to embrace the New World Order.
If Prince William is anything like his daddy, who once was mocked for his green beliefs, we're in for quite a treat. Prince Charlie is now lauded as a pioneering eco-farmer and a champion of telling the commoners to conserve and shrink their carbon footprint, so that he can maintain his own, ginormous carbon footprint. There is an old adage that says, "The organic apple rarely falls far from the well-composted tree." If this rings true for Prince Billy, just another spoiled elitist who was born with a silver spoon shoved up his sceptre, we're in for an interesting ride. It appears that Billy never wanted for much and he will undoubtedly follow in the very large carbon footprint of his daddy, while spreading his message through his partnership with Queen.

Queen fans were quite disappointed when Freddie Mercury passed from complications related to HIV. The announcement that Prince William will be working with the iconic 70s glam rock group Queen as the new front man to replace the deceased back door man is exciting news. Rumor has it that Prince Billy will re-record classics like; Bohemian-Grove Rhapsody, a ballad about his elitist buddies bent on a the ushering in of a New World Order. Will we get a new version of Queen's hit; Sheer Heart Attack, a song to pay homage to the U.K. Medical system and how Prince Billy and his elite buddies are exempt just as our own American elites and politicians will be exempt from Obamacare?

Maybe a re-recording of Fat Bottomed Girls, will be an anthem telling how the Obese will not be covered under Obamacare, unless they're elitists, which allows them then to opt out of Obamacare altogether. I look forward to the song's chorus that will tell the listener how the obese will be fined and counseled to die, rather then to be a burden to the system.

The Queen hit 'Bicycle' will be re-recorded to tell the tale of how the greenies will use junk science, the fear of global warming, er...cooling, umm, 'CLIMATE CHANGE' to force Westerners onto their bicycles manufactured in China from non-renewable and non-sustainable materials containing lead and melamine, while exempting emerging third-world nations from caps on carbon emissions.

'News Of The World' may be re-recorded to describe how the elitists want to limit the content of the internet while the American government under Obama's administration wants to control the media (talk radio) and how the U.N. wants to mandate only positive portrayals of Islam in the media.

'The Game' will describe how politicians in the U.K. and in America game the political system using smoke and mirrors, and how they game the courts to benefit themselves while at the same time failing to represent their constituents.

The possibilities are endless! Now that secret plans of Prince Billy working with Queen have been leaked and has come to light, I am looking forward to his reinterpretation of Queen's classics!
Parody. If parody offends you, get over yourself.

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Thursday, December 03, 2009

From a man we trust

We were warned fifty years ago about of what is happening now... As a nation, we need to listen. This is the best 30 second sound byte you'll ever hear! This is an actual historic recording.

Sent to me from a patriot hunkered down in his Arizona bunker.

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